Google Sites / Google Sites Power User

Add a footer to all pages

You can add a footer to all pages of your Google site, and add text and images to the footer. Footers are useful to display contact information or copyright details for the site. 

Add a footer to all pages of the site

To add a footer to all pages of the site:

Type the text you wish to appear along the bottom of each page. The Small text style will be used by default, but you can change this by clicking on the first drop-down arrow on the toolbar.

Click away from the footer when complete.

Site information options

You can add an icon to show on each page in your Google Site that visitors can click on to find out the date on which the last edit to that page was made. You can also allow your site viewers to send feedback or ask a question about your site from a standard Content Form that can be viewed from any page on your site.  The feedback will be sent to the site owner by email, but site viewers will not see the owner's email address directly. 

The following icon will show in the foooter of each site page:

Which will show the following options on mouse-over

Clicking on the Admin link will show information about the site owner:

Clicking on the Contact link will show the contact form:

To set the options to show in the footer: