Google Forms

Frequently asked questions

View our frequently asked questions on Google Forms.

Can I set a custom theme in a form? 

Yes, by choosing a specific image to use as the base for colours in the form.

What is the linear scale question type? 

This presents a scale of radio buttons where you can choose the upper and lower values e.g. for ratings 

What is the multiple-choice grid question type? 

This presents a grid with questions in rows and possible answers as columns.

Can I copy form questions from another source e.g. a Google Doc? 

Yes.  Any text in a Google Doc, Sheet or Slides presentation, or even a non-Google file e.g. an Excel worksheet, can be copied and pasted into the form. 

Can I import questions from another form? 

Yes, by clicking on the Import Question button under the Add question button on the floating toolbar. 

Can I limit the number of responses that can be received for a form? 

Yes, by using the Form Limiter add-on. 

What happens to a file uploaded via a File Upload question on a form? 

The file(s) that are uploaded  will be stored in a folder on your Google Drive, and a link to the file will be added to the response sheet of the form.  You can add as many upload file questions to your form as required. Each can be used to upload files to a separate Google Drive folder. 

How can I change the order of questions on a form?

Click on the question you wish to move. Position the mouse on the double-lines along the top of the question, then drag it up or down on the form.

Can I set a form so that only users in my organisation can fill it in? 

Yes, by clicking on the Settings cog and choosing the Restrict to users in (your organisation) check box.