Collaborative Inboxes

Power User

Use the links below to find out more about the advanced features of Collaborative Inboxes in Google Workspace.

Create a collaborative inbox

Collaborative Inboxes in Google Workspace offer a way of sharing a mailbox with multiple users. A Google Group is created with a specific email address, and the people that need to access the shared mailbox are added as group members...

Collaborative inbox settings

There are a number of options that you can set within a Google Group, including advanced options which you can display if required...

Add members to a collaborative inbox

Once you have created a Google Group, you can edit your membership within the group, change group settings and invite other members to the group. You can also change the membership of your members by making them managers so that they can approve pending messages and change group settings...

Delete messages

If you are an owner or manager in a collaborative inbox, you can delete messages in the group.

Remove a collaborative inbox

You can delete a collaborative inbox if it is no longer required.

Send collaborative inbox messages from your own mailbox

You can set your Gmail account to allow you to send a message from a collaborative inbox ...