Google Sheets / Google Sheets Power User

Add formulas to sheets

A formula is a sequence of values, cell references and mathematical operators entered into a cell to produce a result. A formula can be used to perform operations such as addition and multiplication based on data in the worksheet. When the data is changed, the result of the formula will update automatically.

A formula can be entered into a single cell or range of cells.

As you build your formula, Google Sheets will highlight the cells that make up the formula on the worksheet. The colour of each cell's border matches the reference in the formula:

When you double-click on a cell containing a formula, Sheets will again colour each cell reference in that formula, adding borders to the related cell on the worksheet.

The following rules apply to formulas in Google Sheets:

As far as possible, cell references should be used in the formula as opposed to numbers. This will ensure the formula updates automatically if the values in the worksheet are changed.

The order of calculation in a sheet is:

For example:

If a formula is entered into a single cell, it can be copied into adjacent cells using the standard Copy and Paste commands, or dragged to adjacent cells using the AutoFill handle.