The Q&A feature in Meet allows users to ask questions and upvote other questions asked.  Moderators can then choose to answer the most common questions during the call. When the meeting ends, the moderator will receive a copy of all questions via email so that they can follow up if required. 

Enable Q&A in a meeting

To turn Q&A on in a meeting:

Ask a question

To ask a question in a meeting:

Once a question has been asked, anyone in the meeting can add a vote to the question by clicking on the Upvote icon

Manage questions

The meeting organiser can mark questions as answered ore hide them from the list if they don't want them to show to all audience members.

Viewing questions after the meeting

After the meeting, a Google Sheet will be added to the My Drive of the meeting organiser with all questions that were asked in the meeting. The meeting organiser will be notified of this via email.