You can add guests to any event to change it from a personal appointment to a meeting. Once you have added guests, you can check their availability to ensure all attendees are free for the event.

Scheduling a meeting

The Meet with box lets you quickly schedule a meeting with specific guests by viewing their calendars and selecting an appropriate time. You can add all important meeting details in the pop-up rather than viewing the meeting screen in full.

Adding guests to a meeting

To change an event to a meeting:

Repeat the above steps to add all invitees to the meeting. 

Guest permissions

After adding all guests to the meeting, use the checkboxes under Guest Permissions to choose whether guests can modify event details such as the start time, end time or location, or invite others to the meeting. 

Finding a time

When you create your meeting, you can check whether all meeting attendees are free during your proposed time. If some attendees are unavailable, you can schedule the meeting at a time suitable for all attendees.

To check guest availability:

Note that if the meeting participants are in different time zones, the selected meeting will show in the correct local time for each participant. 

When all meeting details have been added: 

Viewing suggested meeting times

To find a suitable meeting time:

All times that all attendees are free will be shown - click on the time you wish to use for the meeting: