Collaborative Inboxes

Getting Started

Use the links below to find out what you need to know in Collaborative Inboxes during your first few days on Google Workspace.

View a  collaborative inboxes

Collaborative Inboxes in Google Workspace offer a way of sharing a mailbox with multiple users. A Google Group is created with a specific email address, and the people that need to access the shared mailbox are added as group members. 

Set notifications

By default, if you are a member of a Google Group or Collaborative Inbox, you will receive a copy of every email that is sent to the group.  You can change this setting so that you don't receive emails in your own Gmail account, or you can choose to receive an abridged summary each day, or...

Respond to a message

You can reply to a group message from your own Gmail Inbox, or from the Collaborative Inbox itself.  If you respond to a message from the Group Inbox, you can respond from yourself or the group name...

Assign conversations

Once a message is received in the collaborative inbox, any group member can assign the conversation to themselves or another member...

Add labels to conversations

You can label conversations in a Collaborative Inbox to assign them to a particular category...

Resolve a conversation

Resolving a conversation indicates that the conversation requires no further action...

Filter conversations

Use the Filter drop-down arrow to show all conversations that match specific criteria e.g. contain specific keywords, is marked as complete or is assigned to a specific person or yourself.

Lock conversations

You can lock a conversation in a collaborative inbox to stop the message from being replied to, or from further action being taken on the message.

Send a message from a collaborative inbox

If you want to send a message to a non-member of a Collaborative Inbox, you can do so by adding the address you wish to send the message to in the Cc area of the message...

Remove yourself from a collaborative inbox

If you are a member of a Google Group or Collaborative Inbox that you don't need to access, you can remove yourself from the group. However, you will not be able to rejoin the group yourself - you will need to be added back into the group by a manager in the group...