Google Sheets

Power User

Use the links below to find out more about the advanced features of Google Sheets  that will help you to save time. 

Copy sheet data to docs and slides

You can copy data easily between Docs, Sheets and Slides, and can choose to link the data so that if the original information is changed, the documents you have copied it to will update automatically...

Explore in Sheets

The Explore command in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides allows you to research information without leaving your file. You will receive instant suggestions based on the content of your sheet, and can view related topics at any time...

Add charts to sheets

Charts can be created from worksheet data by selecting the data on which you want to base your chart - including any text to appear as headings or legend text. The easiest way to create a chart is to select the data you want to show in the chart, then click on the Chart icon on the toolbar. You can then...

Add formulas to sheets

A formula is a sequence of values, cell references and mathematical operators entered into a cell to produce a result. A formula can be used to perform operations such as addition and multiplication based on data in the worksheet. When the data is changed, the result of the formula will update...

Use functions in sheets

A function is a predefined formula that performs a specific calculation by using values a user input as arguments...

Use conditional formatting

Conditional formatting allows you to change the appearance of cells depending on the values stored in the cells. You can change the format of cells based on the text they contain, or the number or dates in the cells, and can set the text and background colour of cells for which the condition is met..

Sort and filter data

If your spreadsheet contains a list of data, it can be sorted in order of a specific column of the sheet, and filtered to only show the rows that match specific criteria...

Use filter views

If your spreadsheet contains a list of data, it can be sorted in order of a specific column of the sheet, and filtered to only show the rows that match specific criteria...

Import data from other sheets

Google Sheets has a number of functions that can be used to import data into a spreadsheet, including ImportData, Import HTML and ImportRange...

Use the QUERY function

The query function allows you to import data and add a SQL statement to specify exactly which data is imported into the sheet...