Google Meet

Frequently asked questions

View our frequently asked questions on Google Meet.

How many participants can there be in a Google Meet meeting? 

If you are using Google Workspace Enterprise, you can have up to 250 participants in a meeting.

How can I start a meeting?

Go to then click on Join or start a meeting

What is a meeting code?

Meeting codes are made up of letters in the format xxx-xxxx-xxx. If you know the code of a meeting, you can join the meeting by entering the following URL into your browser: 

When sharing my screen in a meeting, can I pass control to another participant?

Not at this time.

Can I remove someone from a meeting?

Yes, you can click on their name in the People list, then click on the Remove button. 

Can I remove somone from a meeting that I didn't set up?

Yes, provided you are on the same domain as the person that created the meeting. 

Can I invite external contacts to a meeting?

Yes, provided your Google Workspace administrator has allowed this on your domain. 

Do external contacts need a Google Workspace account in order to join a meeting?

No, provided your Google Workspace administrator has allowed guest access to meeting on your domain. 

Which browser can I use for a meeting?

Meetings can be run on the current version and previous 2 major releases of Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. 

Can I record a meeting?

If you are a G Suite Enterprise customer, you can record a meeting by clicking on the ellipses in the bottom-right corner of the screen and choosing Record Meeting