Google Docs

What's New?

New in February 2023

Switch between page and pageless view in Google Docs

There is a new menu item within the Format option that enables you to easily switch between pageless and pages mode in Google Docs.

New in December 2023

Easily add content in Google Docs using placeholder smart chips

When creating a document, you may have information that you don’t yet know, but want to be able to add easily at a later stage. You can use placeholder chips to do this - add a placeholder chip where the data should appear, then fill the content in easily whenever you need to. 


Solve maths equations easily with Smart Compose

Upon typing a maths equation that ends with = into your doc, sheet or slide, a solution will appear as a grey text suggestion. You can accept the selection, or continue typing as required. 

New in November 2023

AppSheet smart chips for Google Docs

You can now insert smart chips for AppSheet content in Google Docs These smart chips allow you to access AppSheet data directly into Docs - you’ll be able to view and take action on the data, including triggering automations, without having to leave Docs.

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in October 2023

Instant access to building blocks in Google Docs

New buttons will show at the top of your Google Doc that enable you to quickly insert building blocks for different types of content, such as meeting notes, email drafts and more, directly into your document. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in August 2023

Link to a specific heading in Google Docs

As well as sharing a link to a document in Google Docs, you can now find the URL of a specific heading in a document. When shared and clicked,  this link will take the viewer to that specific heading in the document.

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Line numbers in Google Docs

You can now show line numbers automatically next to each line of a document that is set to show in page mode. Line numbers can be configured for the entire document, page, or specific section, and will print by default. 

To show line numbers in a document, click on the Tools menu, then choose Line numbers and Show line numbers.

New in July 2023

Variable chips in Google Docs

Variable chips allow you to predefine and insert placeholders in your document, for common information such as company names or document numbers. If you need to update a value, you can do so throughout the entire document in one step. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


Voting chips in Google Docs

You can now add emoji smart chips to a document and use them as voting indicators to show responses to different options. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in June 2023

New table positions in Google Docs

You can now drag tables into position in your documents, and wrap text around a table. Quick layouts are provided to easily position your table with a single click.

New in May 2023

Custom building blocks in Google Docs

You can now save any text, tables or other content in your documents into a custom building block that you can insert into any document as required. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

02 Docs_Building_blocks.mp4

Collaborate on calendar invite drafts in Google Docs

You can now draft calendar invites in Google Docs, sharing the document with colleagues and collaborating on content. Once the content is complete, you can quickly generate and send the invite directly from the document.

Find out more in our how-to video:

03 Docs_calendar_events.mp4

Expand and collapse content in Google Docs

If your document contains text that is followed by bullets, numbered text or check boxes, you will be able to collapse the introductory text to hide the bullets, or expand it to show them again. This feature will be available on all lists automatically. 

Add timer smart chips to Google Docs

The new timer chp can be added to your Google Docs to count down from any time that you enter. The timer can paused and reset as required.

Tool discovery in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

To make it easier to find commands in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, a new tool search will be available in the command bar of these apps. This can be used to find a specific tool, and will also show suggested actions while you are creating your document. 

New in April 2023

New table of content options in Google Docs

When adding a table of contents to your document, you can now easily switch between the available table of content layouts, and turn on features such as page numbers and leader tabs.  You can also change the indent position for the headings of the table of contents. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New table options in Google Docs

Additional options are now available in the Table Properties pane, including table alignment and text alignment within a cell. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


Client-side encryption in Google Docs

If your organisation has client-side encryption set up in Google Workspace, you can now add encryption to a document or remove encryption by making a copy of the document. 

New in March 2023

New smart canvas features in Google Docs

A new stopwatch smart chip is now available in Google Docs. When a stopwatch chip is inserted, you can start, stop, and reset the timer as needed. 

New interface for Docs, Sheets and Slides

There is a new-look share button near the top-right corner of the screen, along with the Meet button, comments and last edit button. The activity dashboard can now be viewed via the Tools menu. Comments now show in a different shade to make them easier to view in a document, without disrupting document flow. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in February 2023

Display non-printing characters in Google Docs

By default, non-printing characters such as paragraph breaks, tabs and spaces do not show in your document. You can choose to display these characters to help with the layout of your documents e.g. to check areas that look like they have too much space. 

New in December 2022

Display code in Google Docs

A new smart canvas feature is being introduced that allows you to format and display code in Docs with code blocks. This feature gives you the ability to visualise code with industry standards, making code readable and collaboration much easier. 

Share Google Docs, Sheets and slides in Google Meet Chat

If you join a Google Meet meeting from a Google Doc, Sheet or Slide, you can now quickly share the current file with meeting attendees. A link will appear in the meeting chat, and you will be able to choose how meeting attendees will be able to access the file.

Find out more in our how-to video:

12_2022_Meet_Share files.mp4

New in November 2022

Enhanced spell check

If the spelling of a word is not recognised, the word will be underlined in red in your document, even if there is no suggestion for an alternative word. When you click on the word, it will be labelled as unknown and you will be able to click on the ellipses to ignore the word, or add it to your personal dictionary. 

New in October 2022

Split cells in a table

You can now split a cell in a table into any number of columns or rows in a Google Doc. This can be used to create subheadings by splitting a cell under a main heading, for example. 

New in September 2022

Insert Google Maps place chips using the @ command in Google Docs

You can now add place chips into a document by typing @ followed by the address of the place you wish to enter.

Assign tasks from checklists in Google Docs

If you use checklists in Google Docs, you can assign any list item to a Google Task. If the task is updated in Tasks, the list in Google Docs will be updated automatically.

Find out more in our how-to video:

09_2022_Docs tasks.mp4

New in August 2022

Insert emojis using the @ command in Google Docs

You can now add emojis inline with your document text by typing @ followed by the emoji description e.g. @smile to add a smiling face. 

You can also type @ followed by a colon to see a full list of emojis. 

Alerts for MS Office documents opened in Google Docs

When you open a Microsoft Office document in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, you will now see a warning indicator if there are compatibility issues with your file that may be lost if you make changes in Google Workspace. 

If there are no issues, no warning will be displayed.

If some features were lost when the document was opened, you can click on Restore to undo any changes made. 

If there are any compatibility issues, or features that will be lost when changes are made to the document, this will be displayed as a warning.

New in July 2022

Receive email notifications when changes have been made to a document

In Google Docs, you can now choose to receive email notifications for any changes to specific documents. Notification emails will detail what changes were made, when the changes were made, and who made them. 

Find out more in our how-to video

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New in June 2022

Take actions on multiple selections in Google Docs

You can now select multiple ranges of text at the same time in a Google document, and perform an action on all selections, including deleting, copying and formatting all selected text. 

To select multiple areas of text using the keyboard:

Find out more in our how-to video


Updated Share dialog box in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

The dialog box for sharing docs, sheets and slides has been improved to include all sharing options in a single screen. 

Find out more in our how-to video

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New in May 2022

Join a Google Meet call from Docs, Sheets and Slides

You can now join a Google Meet call directly from Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. From the Google Meet icon, click on Join the call to quickly join and present a document, spreadsheet, or presentation to all attendees, allowing everyone in the meeting to collaborate while having a conversation.

Find out more in our how-to video:


Drop-down lists in Google Docs

Drop-down chips can be used in Docs to quickly indicate the status of items outlined in your document. You can set both the project status and review status using these drop-down lists, or create your own custom options. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

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Table templates in Google Docs

You can now insert a number of tables into your document using templates that include a content tracker, review tracker and product roadmap. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


Emoji reactions in Google DOcs

When collaborating in Google Docs, you can now add emoji reactions to text to provide informal feedback. You can add multiple emojis to the same text, and will be able to see who has added emojis in a shared document. 

New in April 2022

Use markdown to compose documents in Google Docs

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format documents quickly as you create them e.g. by typing * before text to show as bullet points. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in March 2022

Pageless format in Google Docs

Using pageless format, you can set up your Google Doc so that it continuously scrolls without page breaks. Images will adjust to your screen size, and you can create wide tables and view them by scrolling left and right. Line breaks for text will also adjust to your screen size, and the width of the document will adjust as you zoom in and out.

Find out more in our how-to video:


Collaborate on email drafts in Google Docs

You can now draft emails in Google Docs, sharing the document with colleagues and collaborating on content. Once the content is complete, you can quickly generate and send the email directly from the document.

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in February 2022

Add text watermarks in Google Docs

You can now add a text watermark to your documents in Google Docs. Additionally, when working with Microsoft Word documents, text watermarks will be preserved when importing or exporting your files. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

02_2022_Docs_Text watermark.mp4

New in January 2022

Updates to tables in Google Docs

Google has introduced some new ways to customise your tables in Google Docs, making it easier to create and format tables of information. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in November 2021

Add a page break before a paragraph in Google Docs

You can now set a paragraph so that it always starts on a new page using the Add a page break before option. This is useful for headings in a document that you would always like to appear at the top of the page. 

Note: If you import a Microsoft Word document with the page break before option enabled, this will now be converted correctly in Google Docs. 

Document approvals in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

You can now request and review formal approvals in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Once requested, approvers can approve, reject, add comments, or edit the document in response,  all without leaving the secure Google Workspace environment. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_11_DOCS Approval.mp4

Insert smart chips and other information using the @ menu

In Google Docs, you can now type @ to view a list of recommended files, people, meetings and other content to add to your document, as well as building blocks such as tables and images. You can also search all available components within this menu. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_11_DOCS @menu.mp4

New in October 2021

Add watermarks to Google Docs

You can now add watermark images behind the text of a Google Doc. This watermark image will repeat behind the text on every page of your document. 

Find out more in our how-to video:


New in September 2021

View embedded files in MS Office documents

You can now view embedded Microsoft Office files in your documents when you’re working with Office files in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.. This feature allows you to:  

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_09_DOCS_Embedded files.mp4

New in June 2021

Present to Google Meet from Docs, Sheets and Slides

You can now present content from Google Docs, Sheets and Slides directly into a Google Meet call. If you are not currently in a Google Meet call, you can choose to join a scheduled call or enter the code of the call you wish to join.

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_06_DOCS_Present to Meet.mp4

Add smart chips to Google Docs

You can add links to people, documents and calendar events to your Google Docs which show as smart chips, providing more information when a user hovers over them in the document. You can also add check lists to your documents, making it easier to track progress on tasks and projects. 

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_06_DOCS_Smart chips.mp4

Place images above or behind text

You can now position an image in front of or behind text in Google Docs. In addition, if you import a Microsoft Word document that contains images in front of or behind text, this formatting will be maintained in Google Docs.

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_06_DOCS_Image wrapping.mp4

New in May 2021

Show editors for a specific range of content

You can view the edit history of a specific range of content in Google Docs. When you highlight a range, right-click and choose Show Editors, you will see a list of everyone that has changed this range over time, as well as an option to show the full version history of the document.

Find out more in our how-to video:

2021_05_DOCS Edit history.mp4

New in March 2021

New comments flagged in documents

Any new comments that have been added to a document since your last view will be flagged with a blue dot - if you hover over the comment, a “New” flag will be displayed. 

Comment filters

You can now filter comments in a document to show only comments assigned to you, only comments that have been resolved, or all comments. 

New in January 2021

Out of office information in comments

When you respond to comments in Google docs, or assign a comment to another person, you will see their Out of Office information in the Comment dialog box.

You can click on the information icon to show when they will next be available.

Note that this will only show if the person has created an Out of Office appointment in their Google calendar.

New in December 2020

Mix landscape and portrait pages in a single Google doc 

You can mix different page orientations in the same document, if you wish some pages to show in portrait and others to show in landscape.

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Office editing on iOS 

If you use Google Docs on iOS, you can edit, comment and collaborate on MS Office files using Docs, Sheets and Slides without the need to convert these files to Google format. 

New in November 2020

Mentioning colleagues 

You can now mention a user directly in a Google Doc, rather than just within a comment. 

When another user is mentioned, you can hover over their name for information about them and view suggested actions such as adding them to your Contacts, or sending an email to them. 

New in October 2020

Citations in Google Docs

If you need to write academic papers in Google Docs, you can now add citations and create a bibliography to list all citations. 

Watch our How To video to find out more:


New in June 2020

Check the save status of a document and access it offline

You can now see where a document is saved when you are working on it. 

If you are working online, you will see that the document is Saved to Drive, but if you are working offline, the status will show as Saved to this device.  

You can quickly make a file available offline by clicking on this status. 

Find out more in our How To video:


New in March 2020

Fix image positions on the page in Google Docs

You can now set the exact position of an image on the page in Google Docs, and use the updated Image Options pane to set text alignment and margins around the image. 

Find out more in our How To video:

2020_03_DOCS Image Placement.mp4

AutoCorrect and improved Smart Compose in Google Docs

Google Docs now offers AutoCorrect, where misspelled words will be corrected automatically as you type. Corrections will show with a dotted underline, so that you can change the suggestion if required, but the line will disappear as you continue working on your document. 

In addition, Smart Compose is now fully integrated into Google Docs. As you create documents, Smart Compose will learn your writing style and will make suggestions as you type. 

New in December 2019

You can now customise page numbers by adding them to the entire document or section, and choosing a specific number to start with. 

Find out more in our How To video:

2019_12_DOCS_Page numbers.mp4

New in September 2019

You can now display the word count of a document as you type, so that the count is always visible on screen. 

In the Tools > Word Count dialog box, check the box to Display word count while typing.

The word count will display as you type.

In Docs and Slides, you can now set the line spacing of text to less than 1, if you wish text to appear closer together in the paragraph. Click on the Format menu, choose Line Spacing and Custom Spacing to do this. 

New in August 2019

You can now view a list of edits that have been made to a document, to make it easier to view these changes with assistive technology.

New in July 2019

You will now see your current sign-in information in the top-right corner of the screen when you open a Doc, Sheet or Slide, so that you can easily identify which account you are signed in, if you use multiple Google Workspace accounts. 

You can now set different headers and footers for each section of a document, or have different headers and footers for all odd or even pages in a document.  

Find out more in our How To video:

2019_07_DOCS Header and footer options.mp4

New in June 2019

The new Compare Documents command allows you to compare two documents, to view all of the differences between the documents. All differences will show as suggested changes, which can be accepted or rejected as required.  

Find out more in our How To video:

2019_06_DOCS_Compare documents.mp4

You can now add continuous or next page sections breaks and set the margin of a specific section of a document.  

Find out more in our How To video:

2019_06_DOCS_Section breaks.mp4

New in April 2019

In Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, you can now use the Sharing History tab in the Activity Dashboard to see who has shared your document and with whom, as well as the access level they have been granted. 

Use the Comment Trend tab to view the number of comments, suggestions and replies in your document per day. 

New in March 2019

Google Docs how provides grammar suggestions, showing possible grammar corrections while you type, and highlighting grammar errors in the enhanced Spell Check tool. 

Find out more in our How To video:


New in February 2019

You can now access all accessibility features such as screen reader support and the screen magnifier in one place, by clicking on the Tools menu and choosing Accessibility Settings

Options will be displayed to turn on screen reader and screen magnifier support, with options to learn more from Google Support. 

You can now embed Google Drawings files saved in Drive into Google Docs and update the content of linked drawings embedded in Docs. 

Find out more in our How To video:


New in October 2018

Google Docs has updated the activity dashboard in docs, sheets and slides to make it easier to find data and collaborate more effectively.

You can view the activity dashboard using the new icon near the top-right corner of the screen.

The new dashboard screen will be displayed. 

Google Docs now has both a horizontal and vertical rule that can be displayed. The new vertical rule can be used to quickly change the height of rows in a table. 

Headers and footers in Docs have also been improved, with the option to specify the size of margins in headers and footers. You can enter a specific margin amount, or use the new vertical ruler to control your header and footer size. 

Find out more in our How To video:


The Explore feature has been improved to allow you to add images and charts from other files into docs and slide presentations. If you search for a document in the Explorer pane, any charts or images in that document will be listed and can be inserted as required. 

Find out more in our How To video:


New in August 2018

As in the new Gmail interface, Docs and Calendar now have a side-panel that provides quick access to your calendar, tasks and Google Keep. 

Watch our how-to video to find out more about the side panel:


New in June 2018

The Activity Dashboard in Docs, Sheets and Slides shows you who has accessed your shared document over time. 

An update to the dashboard this month introduces the ability to quickly email or any of the people that the file is shared with.  You choose to email all collaborators, only some collaborators, or everyone that has accessed or not accessed the shared document. 

You can now also see the activity on the shared document over time, as a graph. You can adjust the date range, and hover over specific data points for more details, as shown in the following animation:

You can now resize, reposition and rotate objects precisely using the Format Options command in Google Slides.

After selecting an object, you can click on the Format menu and choose Format Options to show the new pane where you can set the size, position and rotation percentage of the object. You can also right-click on an object and choose Format Options to show the pane. 

New in May 2018

If you are working on a Google Doc that has had many changes made to it, you can view each version of the file and restore a version you may wish to revert to. Now, you can also make a copy of an old version if a file, which is useful if you wish to compare versions side-by-side on your computer, or you need some text or an image from a previous version of a document that no longer exists in the current version.

Watch our how-to video to find out more about copying versions of documents:

New in April 2018

You can quickly insert a slide from a Google presentation into a document, and can set a link so that any changes to the original slide will show in the document automatically. 

Watch our how-to video to find out more about inserting slides into a document:

New in March 2018

The Explore pane in Docs has been improved to show you documents that are related to the one you are currently working on.  You can click on a document in the Explore pane to view it in a new browser tab. 

The new Activity Dashboard in Google Docs, Sheets and Slides allows users with Edit access on a file see exactly who has viewed the file and when they viewed it. 

Watch our how-to video to find out more about the Activity Dashboard:

New in December 2017

The menu system in Docs, Sheets and Slides has been tidied this month, with certain commands being grouped together to allow easier access to common features. For example, if you wish to add a header, footer or page number in Docs, this can all be done from the same submenu:

New in November 2017

When you copy a document, you can now choose to copy all comments with the document, keeping a history of all collaboration. 

These comments and suggestions will contain a note indicating that they were copied from the original document. 

Note that this option only shows when you copy a document from within Google Docs. If you right-click over a document in Google Drive to make a copy, you will not be presented with these choices. 

A new way of inserting images has been introduced across Google Docs, Sheet and Slides, to allow you to insert images from your computer, Google Drive or by URL even more easily. 

If you choose the Drive option, a new pane will show on the right-hand side of the screen that allows you to choose images from recently accessed files, My Drive or Team Drives. 

New in August 2017

Google Docs has some great improvements and additions to suggested changes and versioning, making it even easier to collaborate on documents, view changes made by colleagues, and view the revised or original version of the document. 

The collaborative features we find the most useful are detailed below:

Find out more about these great new features in our How To video:

If you use the Cloud Search tool to find documents and other Google Workspace elements that match your search criteria, you will be pleased to discover that you can now search for these items within a document. Imagine you are working on a document and need to find information in another document, an email message, a calendar invite or even a Google Site. You can now do this using the Explore feature. 

Find out more in our How To video:

New in July 2017

If you use sheets, docs and slides and regularly exchange information between these apps, you can now link data between apps and update the linked object automatically if the source changes. If you need to include a chart or table of data from sheets in your Google Doc, this is just the feature for you, as you’ll see in our How To video: