Google Meet / Google Meet Power User 

Use Breakout rooms  

Breakout rooms can be used to divide meeting participants into smaller groups during a video call. Participants can switch between breakout rooms and return to the main room at any time. 

Setting up breakout rooms

If you have a large meeting and want to split into smaller groups for more targeted discussions, you can use breakout rooms. 

To create a breakout room:

The meeting moderator can close all breakout rooms to return all attendees to the main Meet call at any time. This is done by clicking on the Close Rooms button.

Joining a breakout room

If you have been placed in a breakout room by the meeting organiser, you will be prompted to join the room when it is opened. Click on Join to join the breakout room.

When you have joined the breakout room, a banner will display along the top of the screen to show you are no longer in the main meeting room - click on Return to main call to leave the breakout room at any time.

If the meeting organiser closes the breakout room, you will be placed back in the main meeting room automatically after 30 seconds.