Google Docs / Getting Started with Google Docs

Suggest changes to documents

If you share a document with another user and give them permission to edit or comment on your document, they will be able to view the document in Suggesting mode. Any changes they make to the document will appear as suggestions, which anyone with permission to edit the document will be able to review and accept or ignore as required.

Note that if you only have permission to view a document, you will not be able to make suggestions. 

To make suggestions in a document shared with you:

Note that if you only have permission to comment on the document, Suggesting mode will be enabled by default when you open the document.

Any changes made to the document will now show as suggestions in the document:

A comment will show on the right-hand side of the screen, indicating the user that has made the suggestion: 

If you have permission to edit a document, you can review suggested changes as follows: